Celtic Spirit Books

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Rock Art and Oneness

I'm writing this in the shadows of Arizona's Red Rocks, far from the geography and the geology of my favorite Celtic landmarks. But this place holds almost as much magic for me as the beloved "thin places" of Scotland and Ireland. Mystical landscapes; that sense that the Gods/ The Ancient Ones lived here and, uncannily, the sense that they still watch over us prevail. The term luminous is so descriptive of both here and Celtic lands. As the light changes, perspective changes too and there is magic.

It’s the magnificence of place, it’s the light and it’s the symbols the Ancients left behind that feel so similar.

I like to visit one very special Native American medicine wheel when I am here in Sedona. It is one of many, but the view of the canyon from its perch above made me fall in love with the area. While medicine wheels do not share the permanence of Celtic stone circles, they focus the energy of the land and create an opportunity to honor the four directions and the four elements in similar ways. The accompanying rituals that have been handed down for generations among Native Americans suggest how stone circles were used by the Ancients across the pond. I believe that earth wisdom is universal and that the notion that we are one with nature was reinforced and celebrated since early times.

A new site for me to visit this year was the Sedona Peace Park near the base of Thunder Mountain, a very sacred Native American site and one that has especially powerful vortex energy. Stupas dedicated to the Amitabha Buddha of Limitless Light and to the White Tara (Divine Feminine) bring another expression of universality to this already powerful place.

Another new excursion was to V Bar V Heritage Site where over 1000 petroglyphs are represented on a natural wall of red rock. There are obvious meanings to many of the symbols. Suns and spirals like those found at Newgrange suggest calendar-making and other practical messaging. Yet, I have no doubt both cultures had esoteric meanings behind the symbols as well. We can never know for sure. However, I come away from sacred sites of both lands with a sense of awe and wonder.

The term used for the energetic “hot spots” of Sedona is vortexes. Ley lines and ley line convergence are terms more often associated with ancient sites in Celtic lands that sit on places of focused energy. I am amazed by the palpable feel of both and the knowing and sensitivity of the Ancients who claimed these places for celebration and worship. It is said that these places offer portals or gateways to other dimensions. While I personally have not experienced other dimensions per se, I do have a sense of being lifted up sometimes and I almost always feel my emotions and insights being amplified when I visit. 

The sensitivity gained through these travel experiences has helped me see how to tune into nature, connect with the energies all around me, and appreciate the wisdom of the Ancients whether traveling or back at home. A walk in the woods, a visit to a waterfall, a quiet viewing of sunset- all can remind me of our Oneness, of the universality of our time on this planet and the blessing it is to be present in it.

May you be present and experience Oneness in and around you wherever you may be today.