Tarot Draw for September
The Sacred Circle Tarot: A Celtic Pagan Journey
Once a month, I draw a card from a Celtic tarot or oracle deck that can bring in new images and words of potential meaning and new energy. Today’s card is from The Sacred Circle Tarot: A Celtic Pagan Journey by Anna Franklin, illustrated by Paul Mason. As its back cover of the book that accompanies the cards reads, “ linking you with the spiritual legacy of the pagan Celts: their reverence for the great web of being, the cycles of life, the divine energies of the Goddess and God and the land’s ancient magic”. I would agree that it offers a great overview of and insight into Britain and Ireland’s thin places.
Seven of Swords which in this deck is named Diplomacy.
This month’s card is the Seven of Swords which in this deck is named Diplomacy. You will see in the picture that all the swords are pointed inward, creating a point of light over the sacred site of the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire, England. (See my May post for more on the site itself.) The traditional tarot meaning suggests a warning that there may be deceit and struggle surrounding the reader and his/her relationships. The picture and description here remind us that our minds can focus on the inspiration of Nature and the power of spirit to transform a situation of potential negativity through cooperation and the laying down of swords. Pointing our s(words) in the direction of a power source greater than our individual egos is required.
Given all the tension and contention that is going on in the world right now, this card is shouting at us to cooperate, to revere Nature and to co-create light rather than contribute to the darkness and negativity being spewed at us from all around. Dragon Hill and its view of the Uffington White Horse have stood for centuries as a beacon of inspiration. Let us carry the strength and bright image of this picture and the word Diplomacy with us throughout September.