Do You Choose Animal Spirits or Do They Choose You?

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I have a small red fox who runs through the woods with me during shamanic journeys. He is playful, quick, and game for adventure. These are qualities I need when I begin a journey and so I really appreciate his arrival and support.

For many years, when visiting western states, I would look admiringly  at the tiny stone fetishes in glass cases. They were all so precious, but none spoke to me directly. I liked the idea of a spirit or power animal. I just didn’t know how to identify one. I tried meditation, I drew animal tarot cards, and I stayed alert for a roadrunner or other creature to pop up in my path announcing  itself; but to no avail.

Then one day, as I was following a taped guided Celtic shamanic journey, my little fox friend appeared. So far, he only comes in for these drumming sessions, making me question if he truly is my spirit or power animal. In fact, I think I am most comfortable with the notion that we can call in the spirit animal that has the medicine we need for a given circumstance.

Some of you may have or find your spirit animal quickly and with certainty. Others may think the entire notion foolish. Like myself, still others are comfortable asking for or welcoming in whatever animal Spirit wishes to present itself.. Much like the concept of angels, there are many ways to view the this form of guidance.

There are some good books on Druidic, Celtic, and Native American spirit animals as well as lots of online resources. If you are curious, I invite you to check them out.

Experiencing and/or imagining such a creature is fun, supportive and insightful. Spring is a great time to look for signs of what animal or bird speaks to you.

 The ads at the beginning of this site are a little busy and off-putting but scroll down a bit for a nice overview:

Here’s what they say about “my” fox:


The ancient Celts observed every nuance of their animals for meaning. The fire-red fur of the fox symbolized passion, play and action. When the fox comes darting into your view, it’s time to act on your passions. If you’ve ever watched a fox run, they’re bodies move like a pointed arrow. We can translate this in our own lives by driving toward the goals that ignite our passion with laser-like aim. Fox asks us to hit the target of your dreams!

Uncanny, isn’t it? How that’s exactly what showed up for me.

So I invite you to have fun with finding out more about the animal spirits that are there for YOU.