June Tarot Card- Getting Unstuck

Once again, there is serendipity in our monthly tarot card draw. The message to Get Unstuck  serves us well as we emerge from the cocoon of Covid. What better challenge than to get unstuck from our holding pattern, unstuck from our old ways and unstuck from what blocks us from embracing the change we promised ourselves we would make if we survived all the craziness and fear of 2020.

June’s card is taken from Branches of the Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes. The illustration is by Chris Down. The card is the Four of Cauldrons.  This deck follows a traditional tarot deck, but it depicts cups (the suit symbolizing emotion/water )  as cauldrons---a very Celtic symbol. The level four in the Minor Arcana indicates a place of respite, a plateau or a structure that can either shore us up for further advancement or lure us into apathy. Look how  closed our young man appears. He is supported by the rock wall and is positioned to look out at his accomplishments. Yet, he seems despondent or apathetic. He is not noticing the magical hand offering up the fourth cauldron. This cauldron of inspiration is there for the asking. Will he take it? Or will his respite turn to a stuck place.

We also find ourselves stuck sometimes. Often it is because we just need to rest or perhaps we just cannot see our options or trust in the potential to reach a better place. We may place security and secure in opposition to exploration and possibility. We may be fearful of change, even if we have reason to believe it will be beneficial.

The opening card of the Major Arcana is the Fool, taking a Leap of Faith. That is a big ask. But, in the minor Arcana, we are talking about incremental change. This card simply asks us to see the help that is there for us to see, to embrace the change offered to us  and to then continue on the journey.

May you be guided and supported in your efforts to make the changes you know in your heart are good for you and for your community.

Carry on or as the Irish would say “work away”.