Celtic Spirit Books

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Moonology is all the buzz these days. After the amazing light shows we have been having of supermoons, eclipses, comets, Northern Lights, and even planetary conjunctions, it is no wonder our imaginations have turned skyward. It is no wonder that we are drawn to the moon, the beauty of moonlight, and the mystery and magic of its pull.

At solstice, both summer and winter, we hear a lot about Stonehenge and Newgrange and the stone monuments that align with the sun in celebration of the turning of the seasons. Did you realize that many stone circles and Neolithic sites are aligned to the moon and her cycles? Within the Boyne Valley complex of Newgrange, discoveries of moon alignment can be visited at both Knowth and Dowth for example. Also, the stone works in Mayo and smaller stone circles throughout the countryside show this moon alignment.

“To draw down the moon” is a neo-pagan ritual of asking the energy of the Goddess to descend and be present in the sacred circle. We can only imagine how closely it resembles the rituals Ancient Ones performed at Celtic stone circles. We do know the power of the moon to create the tides, to impact women’s menstrual cycles, to stop us in our tracks when looking up at the night sky.

Following the waxing and waning of the moon and knowing how it influences our lives has been coined “moonology”. It is believed that setting an intention at the new moon and releasing all blocks and resistance at the full moon can help create one’s desires and that being in flow with the moon brings ease and joy to our lives. Of course, there is a lot more to moonology, but those are the basics.

Friends and I have begun a monthly zoom gathering at the New Moon to have a simple ritual and set new intentions for the month using the Moonology Diary by Yasmin Boland , artwork by Nyx Rowan which is pictured. If anyone wishes an outline of our format or help setting up their own ritual/study group give a shout out. It is just one of many ways of being mindful of our inner work and connecting with the Nature and the Universal Forces that support us. I would be glad to assist you get started.

Two other sources on moonology:

Sara Wiseman,  The Moonstrology Project: A Year of Moon Wisdom

Marina Ormes, Astrology Heals