I am usually in Ireland the month of May. So you can bet that when I saw a t-shirt on Facebook with the banner NOTRIPPHOBIA (the fear of not having any trips booked), I took a long look. Then I thought about the power of words and how negative statements can attract or reinforce negative outcomes while positive statements lead to positive results.

This may sound chimerical, but it has a behavioral basis easily illustrated. Examples:

Don’t think about shamrocks

Can you do it?  I bet you saw or thought about shamrocks.

What about elephants? Don’t’ think about elephants.

Silly examples, but if you were carrying a $1200 Waterford glass bowl,  you would do better to say to yourself, “handle it with care” than “don’t drop it”.

These energy dynamics apply not just to direct action statements but also to how we think . Not just do words matter, but thoughts matter. Big Time. And energy flows both ways. Negative thoughts and feelings of fear draw more of the same just as positive thoughts and love/gratitude draw same. The simple version of this tenet was made popular fifty years ago with The Power of Positive Thinking book and movement.

Recently, we have been learning the power of visioning. First, we learned about strategic planning, mission/vision/goals/ and tools like vision boards to manifest results. The Secret took those ideas even a step further. Now, we are realizing that staying in the present moment with the feeling of the object/vision we wish to manifest is most effective.

I have come  to a place where I can set aside my management consultant skill set and leave open space and an open heart for change to enter. I also have been working on the concept of allowing- allowing what is meant to be/what is best for me to enter. And recently in a meditation, I heard the word WELCOME.

 I now see the process as  to be open, allow and welcome the change I wish the see in my life.

So, the t-shirt I buy will need to say:

Bring on Travel To Ireland  or I’m Coming Soon or Ready to Go. Ideas?