Celtic Spirit Books

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Tarot Reading for May

Our tarot card today is  from The Llewellyn Tarot Companion by Anna-Lori Ferguson. The author is an Artherian scholar, born in England and now living in Canada. Llewellyn was one of the most famous Welsh kings and the characters in this deck are all taken from Welsh history and mythology. . The card chosen for May is card number one: The Fool.


The Fool is usually depicted as a traveler  with a bundle over his shoulder, ready to step off a ledge. Sometimes a white dog is his traveling companion and is running right at his heels. In this deck, the Fool is depicted as  a man on horseback. We are told the man is Pyrador, his horse as well as his dog are white. In the Welsh tradition, Pyrador is the original hero of the Grail. He represents purity and innocence. You are seeing a black and white picture of the card because I have misplaced the beautiful and colorful card deck pictured on thook above. I chose the card by a random opening to the page with the black and white version of the card and the author’s explanation.


As the first card of the Major Arcana, the card indicates it is the start of a  major Journey. It need not be a physical journey.  It can also mean a new, fresh phase where one is not limited by the past,  where one casts aside old beliefs and opens to new possibilities. According to our author, it can also warn us about being too trusting, prone to Chasing Rainbows or being unaware of the dangers of the trip before us.


Not only have we been given this card at the beginning of spring, the season of new beginnings, but our world is in a new place in so many ways, a place with new possibilities but also new dangers. The Major Arcana lays out the guides and experiences of Life’s Journey. This one does so using Welsh mythology and ancient wisdom.


May we approach it with fresh intelligence, a pure spirit, and an open heart.

May we see the dangers and take only the risks that are necessary.

May we enjoy and learn from the new journey every day of our lives.