Celtic Spirit Books

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The Light

One of the things that makes Ireland and the British Isles so magnificent is the Light. These islands may have a reputation for constant rain. However, as you might hear in the country: “When ye have the weather, sure there is nothing better”. The light creates the myriad shades of green of the landscape, the moody purples and blues of the mountains and the glistening surface to the waters of sea and lake. 

Gleaming like gems, these land and seascapes have a brilliance and magic that gives meaning to the term luminosity. The word luminosity has come to describe the internal radiance of our being, our soul if you will, when we are in grounded and emanating Love and Light. I wrote in the introduction to Celtic Spirit that I experienced a “palpable sense of mystery and wonder” in these thin places. As I had the opportunity to revisit so many of the sacred sites about which I had written, I saw them at differing times of day and night and became more aware of the influences of light and shadow on each of them. More than a metaphor, these changes were mood altering and even brought multi-dimensional experiences to me that were surreal and powerful. I believe the Ancient Ones designed spaces to purposely create this experience of deep resonance.

I often say that one does not have to visit Celtic lands to have such experience or this awareness. These visits to Ireland, Scotland and Isle of Man were my catalyst for spiritual transformation. I write about them and offer pictures as illustration. The message, however, is not about travel; it is meant to inspire the reader to look to Nature and to visualization practices that can evoke similar connection. 

I had planned to be in Ireland this month. Like so many of us, I have been homebound instead. Luckily for me, home is near a lake shore where I can walk or sit and watch the Light glimmer on the water’s surface. New York’s Finger Lakes are very like scaled down versions of Celtic lake country. Combining my walks with listening to numerous webinar and internet messages from energy healers, I have been reminded of the profound simplicity of lightwork.

On the phone or zoom, I have been facilitating “light fills” to assist folks in calming their anxiety and connecting to the deep power they have within themselves to Be Light and to Send Light to others. You can find lots of light meditations online. I use many. You also can simply add the following to your meditation or prayer practice:

Place yourself in a place of relaxation and openness to meditation in a way of your choosing.

Close your eyes and allow your mind to travel through and around your body, looking for and finding that spark of light within. It may reside in your heart, or perhaps your belly or mind.

As you identify the light within, imagine it growing in size and flowing throughout your body, to the soles of your feet, the tips of your fingers and to the top of your head until you are filled with white light.

Feel the fullness and strength of your body as the light fills you up with positive energy.

Imagine the light oozing out through your skin and circling your body. 

Draw light to your body until you can see yourself in a bright bubble of light.

Let the light within and the light around you create a luminosity that deepens your sense of well-being.

Sit in gratitude knowing you can call upon this inner light for protection and strength.

An alternative way of working with the light that may be more familiar is a guided visualization that brings in the sun, the moon, the stars. For those who are not very visual, remember to add prompts about the feeling of the light- the penetrating heat of the sun, the gentle absorbing of moonshine, etc. And, of course, a candle or a fireplace can also connect us to the light through the element of fire.

Those of you who are not able to attend church during this time might find that these practices augment your prayers and bring to you that experience of light that you normally experience in your place of worship.

Whether you experience Light as Source, Nature or The Christ -

Stay safe, “bubble up” when  you go out by asking to be surrounded by the Light, and use this precious gift of quiet time to Be in the Light and to evoke the Light in whatever way in meaningful to you.