Celtic Spirit Books

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Oracle Card

It is time for our monthly oracle/tarot card. March’s draw is The Prophet from Caitlin Matthews’s Using the Celtic Wisdom Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance. What could be more appropriate than the Prophet who sees, interprets and offers wisdom and guidance? What could be more timely as we find ourselves on another auspicious day: 3.2.2020. We indeed need clear vision as we face the conflict of division and desire for oneness that the 2 followed by 3 suggests.

Caitlin Matthews is the author of over 65 books, numerous CDs and oracle card decks. I regard with as one of the foremost scholars and practitioners of Celtic spirituality and Celtic shamanism. This deck is uniquely designed to give Major Arcana roles to the Celtic Ancestors and create four Clans to represent the four suits of the Minor Arcana. Today’s Prophet is from the Clan of Wisdom. Illustrator Wil Kinghan has added a spiral to his portrayal of the prophet and the author offers these words:

A wise man who looks beyond the spirals of time and into the heart of things.

I love spirals and particularly like this brief but profound explanation of their importance to the ancient Celts. The ogham tree sticks in the background remind us that foretelling the future is connected to calling on the wisdom and guidance of the ancestors. (I will say more about ogham sticks in a later blog.)

The fellow in this picture doesn’t look at all like how modern media has depicted Merlin. However, the author discusses Merlin and his role as the greatest of British prophets. His presence and the stories of his part in Arthurian legend bridges the Druid and Christian threads that were woven together to create  Celtic spirituality.

The card asks us to look for the patterns (like the spiral) that impact our lives. We are invited to go into the stillness, to ask the prophet or our own inner wisdom the following question:

How might I better understand my own patterns and how this understanding help me envision my future?

Wishing the clarity of 2020 vision to us all.