Winter Solstice

When I was a child, Christmas Eve services with candles and the singing of “O Holy Night” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem” were magical. I didn’t learn about the celebration of Winter Solstice or the Celebration of Light of Hanukkah until I was an adult. All three bring such wonderful ritual. All three bring us back to experiencing the powerful turning of the seasons,  honoring the Light and to stopping the busyness to feel the peace and joy of the season. Winter solstice has become an important holiday to me because it puts me in touch with all of that and also because it connects me to my Celtic roots.

Winter solstice is always magical but this year December 21 will be extraordinary. Jupiter and  Saturn will come together in the night sky brightly and more closely than in 800 years. Thus, it is called “The Christmas Star”. Talk about magic! Astrologers tell us the last time we saw anything like it was 1623. Feels to me like we are having the opportunity to birth a new country as then and a New Earth as at the birth of Christ. “The heavens declare the Glory of God” as we each experience His or Her Universal presents in a big way the year. 2020 comes to the end with the brightest of lights in the dark night sky.

Two of my favorite Winter Solstice songs are yours tonight:

Enter the night and you’ll find the light,

That will carry you to your dreams.

Enter the night, let your spirit take flight

In the field of ultimate possibilities.

These words are from Lisa Thiel’s beautiful Winter Solstice Song.

See and hear her work on YouTube. This song is called “Yule (Winter Solstice Song)” from the album Circle of the Seasons. It captures the mystery and magic of solstice and the celebration of the festivals of the Celtic Calendar year. 

And the other favorite also seems especially relevant this year:

The Celtic carol In the Bleak Midwinter. This song  captures both the despair and hope that comes during this period. Listen to one of the many versions on youtube for another musical treat

Hopefully skies will be clear and bright tonight.