Posts in Tarot
Tarot Card for June The World Tree

No, dear reader, this is not a test of your memory. Last month at this time, you did read that I had pulled the World Tree as our tarot card for May. Here it is again; but, pulled from a different deck and at a different time. The coincidence is stunning, especially when we had seen it before in February.

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The World Tree -Our Tarot Card for May

Regular readers know that I choose a tarot or oracle deck at the beginning of each month and pull one card that becomes our focus or meditation for the month.  Astute readers will also know that we just had the World Tree as our symbol for February. I could have chosen a second card, but I believe there is a reason a card comes up. Perhaps, we need to interpret the card differently. Perhaps there is a new message or a message for someone in our community. Perhaps, the state of the world right now begs for us to remember that we are all One, that we are connected to the Universe and that the steady oak survives.

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April Fools' Day

All readers will receive a free trip to Ireland just for reading this line.

April Fools!

I wish I could gift you all a trip, but I do hope reading this blog connects you to Celtic lands vicariously and promotes new travel experiences as well. We are wrapping up the Snapshots: Travels in Ireland project that will offer Cork, Kerry, Clare/Limerick and Galway/Aran Islands on Kindle as well as Amazon in the next two weeks. Please at least browse them when the announcement comes out.

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Drawing the March Hare

This is the third time we begin the month with a tarot or oracle card. And, once again, it is an uncanny pick.  Here we are in March and I drew a picture of March hares. I must admit that I have only a distant memory of the March hare in Alice in Wonderland and a fainter memory yet of the phrase “mad as a March hare”. A bit of research tells me these big hares do live in Celtic lands, that they jump around and “box” all night, acting mad from a human perspective. People are most likely to witness this crazy activity at dawn in March when light is optimal and breeding season makes the hares most active. Thus, the Brits coined the term “mad as a March hare”.

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