October Oracle Draw
The Oracle draw for today involves two cards since the guide we are using has a different format. I have had this deck for ages, but I never used it because the set up was unusual. I was too lazy to learn its different approach. Had I remembered that I purchased it because the author is the esteemed Caitlin Matthews, I would have begun it years ago. Thank you, dear reader, for motivating me to reacquaint myself with its pages. The booklet is named “Using the Celtic Wisdom Oracle” and its “Ancestral Wisdom and Guidance Cards” are illustrated by Wil Kinghan.
Matthews sets a context where our Ancestral Footprints can be explored through two categories of cards:
The Divine Ancestors Cards, the Wisdom of our Elders, as represented by the Lords and Ladies of Life, Love and Light
The Clan Cards, the Ancestors of our Blood Line, as represented by an array of folks from the Spinner and Weaver to the King and Queen to Seer and Druid
The descriptions and the narrative are most informative and a great overview of Celtic culture.
The Druid
We are asked to first pull from the Clan Cards, asking our question.
Take a moment to quiet your mind and sink into your body.
Ask yourself if there is an issue or concern coming up in October that would benefit from the guidance of those who came before. Or perhaps there is an ongoing situation that needs attention. If so, in what ways might the words of the cards support you.
Our first card is The Druid.
It advises us to connect with our spiritual family, to honor and find wisdom from inner knowing and to draw on your most deeply held views.
See what else the image of the card suggests to you.
Lord of the Light
Then, after some reflection, ask yourself what the wisdom of the elders might add to your understanding of the situation.
Our second card is The Lord of Light.
This is meant to give as another level of insight into our question.
It advises us to bring our best vision, our Light to the question in hand in gratitude and strength.
See what else the image suggests to you.
May these words and images add to your understanding of what is coming your way.
Have a rich and glorious month of October.