Equilibrium for March

Our tarot card for March is Equilibrium, certainly needed as we navigate this rapidly changing world and often challenging time. In the traditional tarot, this card is represented as Temperence, a Major Arcana card representing balance and moderation.

The card is drawn from Branches of the Celtic Tarot, a delightful and beautifully presented deck by Kristoffer Hughes, illustrated by Chris Down. Note in the picture above Celtic standing stones represents the pillars of the temple and cauldrons hold the energies that flow back and forth within the hands of the maiden. All the elements are present, animal spirits at her side and a flowing river at her feet. The card states “Balance is an alchemical act.”  And in the call, the maiden (or is she a goddess?) says

“I am the path from the sun to the moon and back again”

Balance is between the macro and the micro, the sun and the moon, the inner and the outer, the mystery and the grounding of earth. When we practice staying centered and balanced, we find peace and resolution to the otherwise disturbing forces of change and challenge.

This card invites us to pause and feel into our present state. Is there a situation that disrupts our equilibrium? Is there a time or place in our day when we feel out of balance? Perhaps there is someone or something that triggers us and sends us off-balance.

If so, breathe into the image of this card and find a sense of inner peace.

Breathe out any toxic energies, releasing that which weighs you down.

Take a few deep breaths, breathing in peace and breathing out negativity until you regain that sense of balance that brings health, well-being, and  PEACE.

DEEP PEACE to you this day and all days ahead.