Healing Circle

Healing Circle Crystals

I cast a healing circle of crystals from a collection of stones I gathered over years of travel, especially to Sedona. This ritual is not particularly a Celtic tradition, but if you look at the stone circles of the Ancient Ones, you will know that they used the properties of the stones-i.e. their vibration. We do not know the specifics but it is clear to me experientially that sound amplification and crystalline frequency generation make these sites powerful, even today.


This fall I was in a crystal shop in Sedona where the staff had dedicated a shelf to one of their coworkers who was facing a life-threatening illness. They had created a healing circle on the shelf, much like the one pictured which I placed on my glass coffee table.  I was moved by the power of this small circle and the simple invitation to join them in sending healing to their colleague.

While on the Arizona trip, one of my companions became ill and 3 local friends I visited were also facing health challenges. I came home and made a healing circle for them. All are now doing well and I recently removed the circle from my table asking that their healing continue.

Rituals are important. Many people have no tradition of ritual or access to helpful rituals in their lives. When crises come, it is so easy to feel helpless. It is hard to focus our energies, our good wishes, our faith. A ritual like the creation of a healing circle, the lighting of a candle or the singing of a song of hope can be surprisingly soothing AND ease to pull off.

The key to simple ritual is to clear the mind, set an intention, and ask your guides-whatever form faith takes within you- to work for the Highest Good for yourself, loved ones, and the wider world. Do not worry that you have the “right” stones or have used a “proper” sequence. It is about focusing your intention on a loving process of creating a space, a moment in time that evokes healing. 

Trust yourself. You will be guided. You only need to take the time to do it as a gesture of healing.

I will be offering some other rituals of healing in the days to come. I also will gladly publish any examples that you wish to share. We are in this together, we are being reminded that we are all One, and we are being asked to bring forward our best selves to the reset of our planet.

Celtic Blessings