Oracles Cards for 2022

Santa brought me a wonderful new oracle card deck from which this card spread was drawn. The Sacred Forest Oracle is by Denis Linn who has chosen places and spirits that symbolize portals that can open our mind, body, and spirit to a deeper experience. The deck captures the magic of the forest and the individual cards each have power and sweetness in their messages.

Aspen Spirit

Courage is the card I pulled and placed in the position of obstacles of the immediate past. This seems so apt given our experiences with Covid. The aspen stands tall and strong and is strengthened by an extensive root system that connects to other aspens throughout the forest. 

The Druids saw aspens as symbols that summoned inner resources as well as a collective support.

The challenges of fear and separation have been testing us as individuals and as a society. Aspen Spirit tells us we can move forward with courage and with the support of others.

Wolf Spirit

Family holds the position of focus and presence. It suggests that a key to overcoming any remaining obstacles is to look to those who have our backs and with whom we share a vibrational connection. Wolves not only travel in packs and support one another but are known for adopting other animals, even humans, into their clan.

This card reminds us we need not go it alone. Gratitude for family and openness to building relationships is ever important.

Crystal Cave

Trust is the third card in our trilogy, and it is in the place of the future, whether it means outcome or resolution or simply the next phase of our path to wholeness. Imagine the trust it takes to walk into an unknown cave. Consider the womb-like experience it would then become. Add to that the appearance of crystals. Then imagine sitting in silence as the vibrational waves of the crystals weave their magic. This sense of being held and protected allows us to tune into ourselves as well as appreciate the natural forces that protect us.

This card calls on us to trust our instincts and intuition not only when in the dark but when looking for safety and the opportunity for magic to appear.

May these cards speak to you, stir your imagination, and encourage you in the year ahead.