The 7 Heavenly Virtues
I indulged in buying one more card deck while in Sedona - The Mystical Wisdom Card Deck by Gaye Guthrie with art by Josephine Wall. The deck is neither tarot-based nor Celtic, but nonetheless, is a lovely mix of Angel cards, spirit animal cards, and gentle messages worthy of mindful consideration.
The Mystical Wisdom Card Deck by Gaye Guthrie with art by Josephine Wall.
The card I drew for July is called Seven Heavenly Virtues. Juxtaposed to the previous page is the card of Seven Deadly Sins. I liked the idea of turning the focus to a positive list.
The list of seven traits of goodness is aspirational and inspirational.
The message is short, sweet and simple; but also hard to summarize without copyright infringement.
So I thought I would ask myself, and each of you to think what would you put forth as the seven Heavenly virtues? Or what do you see as the keys to goodness?
No doubt most of our answers will be similar, and as Rilke reminds us the meaning is in the question itself. So I trust that each list of 7 generated will be exactly what's important to contemplate for July.
So may this card give us pause to consider what is the essence of goodness.
May it then invite us to consciously live from a sense of goodness in our hearts.
May we model these virtues to help create a kinder, gentler world.
Happy summer.