Posts tagged celtic lands
A Modern Welsh Storyteller

A friend reminded me of Saint David's Day on March 1st. St. David is the patron saint of Wales. It made me realize how often I shortchange Wales in this blog “of all things Celtic”. I am just not as familiar with this important part of Celtic lands even though I honor it as a stronghold of Celtic legend and tradition. Next year on March 1, I will buy daffodils, make potato leek soup and perhaps bake bara brith, the bread I have come to know through the Great British Bake-Off.

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Celtic Wisdom

It is hard to capture what I have learned about Celtic Wisdom in an hour presentation. I plan to hit the highlights:

The mystery and wonder of ancient stone circles, the mysticism of abbey ruins, the liminal thin places of Celtic lands all contribute to a certain palpable Celtic wisdom. It seems to come with a connection to the land, to the elements, to the rhythms of nature. Sages, poets, and storytellers; Druid bards, Grail legends, tales of The Little People; lasting symbols, rituals, and celebrations all contribute to capturing its essence. Thankfully, the wit and wisdom were recaptured by the Celtic Revival movement and are now expressed by modern-day writers such as John O’Donahue and poet Seamus Heaney.

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