Posts tagged water
Oracle Card for October: The Hazel

Our oracle card for October is the Hazel from a set of cards titled Portal to the Sacred Trees-A Celtic Oracle by Jane Burns. The illustrations are by Judith Bird. I have studied Celtic shamanism through Jane Burns’ programs on The Shift Network and have always loved her work.

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Oracle Card for April- The Well of Segais

Our card for the month of April is The Well of Segais from The Celtic Oracle Deck by John Matthews. It represents the element of water and reminds us of the power and critical importance of water. As April showers prevail this month and will grow May flowers, perhaps the card is asking us to take time to be grateful for water, to find ways to protect its purity and stop its waste. There are a number of Irish legends about the Well of Segais. All are meant to remind us that wisdom comes from understanding the interconnectedness of life and honoring the nurturing elements Nature has given us.

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The Queen Of Cauldrons

The Queen of Cauldrons “represents the undifferentiated consciousness of the ocean and the human expression of feelings and emotions”. A steady stream or water has great strength over time, a raging sea becomes calm again, and the well-spring of life nourishes us. Being in the present, being current and going with the flow of Life with Love is what we all need to survive and thrive.

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As a Pisces, as a lover of the seascapes and the sounds and flow of ocean waves, I have written about, photographed and shared a great deal about water, the element featured in today’s blog. Instead of saying anything more, I invite you to listen to this beautiful story.

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