December’s Tarot Card- The STAR

After years of working with the tarot, I never ceased to be amazed at its serendipity. What better card for December than the STAR! December is the month of celebrations of the light in so many traditions. I can’t help thinking of The Star of Bethlehem as it comes upon a midnight clear.

The STAR is the tarot symbolizes HOPE. It is a Major Arcana card placed midway on the journey, after a number of “difficult” cards. It reminds us that our attitude, our positive outlook and our willingness to embrace the future in Light is essential to our growth.

These are trying times. A sign of Hope is welcome and needed. A simple gaze up into the night sky can reignite that hope, perhaps even touch the heart and quiet the mind.

This particular STAR card has been illustrated by Courtney Davis, an authority on Celtic lore and symbolism. The deck, The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson, is very traditional and filled with Celtic symbols and their explanations.

Note the classic wheel and pentacle suggesting perfect harmony and balance in an ever changing environment. Seven stars represent the Universe while the Dove of Peace is in flight among them. Paterson further points out that the five points of the major star highlight the 5 magical symbols of Celtic Light:

The spear of Luth

The ship of Manannan

The singing sword

The speaking sword

The stone of Destiny


This card is connected to Aquarius and the dawning of a New Age as well. As in traditional decks, a beautiful naked woman, here partially covered in a purple robe, has two jars of water, pouring the healing waters from the two jars onto the earth.


May you be blessed with Hope and Light throughout this holiday season.