More Risque Irish Nicknames
Readers so enjoyed the blog on The Floozy in the Jacuzzi, that I felt compelled to share more quirky, even risqué nicknames.
Let’s start with the spire that replaced the floozy on O’Connell Street.
There are many other statues and monuments in Dublin that have been renamed by the public. In fact, this is such a well-established game in the many bars of the city that it's hard to imagine any new edifice not being given its own rhyme. Some of the more notable are:
Nail in the Pale
Stiletto in the ghetto
Pin in the bin
Stiffy by the Liffy
Spire in the mire
And, of course, Molly Malone’s statue can not be spared. She is easily:
The tart with the cart or
The dish with the fish
I have pulled the following from the internet, not having heard them myself:
The 'quare in the square' - the statue of Oscar Wilde in Merrion Park Square (quare is a local pronunciation of queer).
The 'prick with a stick' - James Joyce carrying a walking cane.
The 'hags with the bags' - the statue of two women with shopping bags near the Halfpenny Bridge.
The 'time in the slime' - the ill-fated underwater clock (yes, really) in the River Liffey.
And the final one brings a special smile to me because it was a young man’s recommendation in our hotel lobby that we visit “The Dead Zoo”. “Aye, “ said he, “where they all are stuffed.” (The Natural History Museum with its extensive taxidermy collection)