Posts tagged hope
The Celtic Wheel of the Year

Last Wednesday was Imbolc or St. Brigid’s day, the celebration of winter reaching completion and the first signs of spring appearing. I say that as I look out and piles of snow and an outside thermometer reading of 10 F degrees. Perhaps it is because of the climate where I reside, but my primary sense of this holiday is that it symbolizes and celebrates Hope. The light gets noticeably brighter and the days longer. Spring is coming. New beginnings are on the horizon.

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Where Hope and History Rhyme

Positive change comes when individuals, groups or countries open to possibility and let go of blind resistance and of resentment of “the other”. As Joe said “the opposition” is not the enemy. I would add from years of facilitating change and resolving conflict, two other aspects: Assume positive intent and drop the self-righteous anger. If you find yourself preferring to be right than preferring to have conditions improve, then guess what? You are perpetuating the problem.

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