You Don’t Need To Read This-or anything else

I recently realized I was overwhelmed by the number of books, articles, blogs, links, even snippets from social media that I put in a “must-get-to” file which I never get to. That doesn’t even mention the two webinars that I paid for and still haven’t sat down to watch.

Covid kept me inside and gave me time to catch up on some things, even clean closets. Yet, my “Must-get-to” list never went away.

Finally, I realized that it really doesn’t matter. I do not need to continually educate myself, fix myself, or do whatever it is that I am wired to expect regarding keeping abreast of ‘breaking news’ or interesting new authors. I can not answer every challenge, keep up with everyone I ever knew, learn every new healing modality.

What I need to know, learn, experience will come to me.

All is in perfect time.

We have within us all the information we need.

If I actually believe all such platitudes (and I do), then I need to let go of that “must-get-to” list.

I need to skim through more things, let more things drop away, give myself a break if I don’t get to all the things that tempt me.

My new promise to myself is to start each day with deep spiritual practice and see what comes in. That means some days I might not even respond to emails, read FB feeds or tuck away things to read later.

And, I am going to write shorter blogs, experiment with some different approaches. You probably already skip or skim over my blogs. My hope is that you will be drawn to some which spark your interest, remind you of a knowing within you, or in some way lighten your day.