Posts in Tarot

The card asks us to look seriously at the challenges we are facing, particularly financially. We all face economic uncertainty, with many people unemployed or receiving limited hours or profit from their work. Balancing the need for restriction for health and safety with the need for people to go back to work to make a living and restart the economy is a juggling act of high stakes right now.

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Usually I am instantly amazed by the relevance of the card I draw. This time I was surprised then I looked further: The picture is of one of the most sacred of Celtic sites: Glendalough. I was supposed to be staying at the hotel just outside the scene in this picture on April 30. It would have begun the pilgrimage portion of my trip to Ireland. But, of course, there is no trip this year because of Covid-19.

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The Bee

Our oracle card draw for February is THE BEE, a symbol of community, activity and organization across cultures but with the additional aspect of celebration being added because of the Druid tradition regarding mead, the honey drink.

Read more about this card and the impact of bees in our environment and the connection with Celtic Spirit.

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December Tarot

For a year now, I have pulled a Celtic Tarot or Oracle card and suggested its message be a focal poet for meditation or reflection as we entered the new month. The deck I chose this month is not specifically Celtic but is similar to a deck that was part of my visit to Ireland on a tour of thin places back in the 1980s. As many of you know, that trip inspired my first novel Celtic Spirit these many years later.

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October Oracle Draw

The Oracle draw for today involves two cards since the guide we are using has a different format.

The booklet is named “Using the Celtic Wisdom Oracle” and its “Ancestral Wisdom and Guidance Cards” are illustrated by Wil Kinghan and authored by Caitlin Matthews.

The Divine Ancestors Cards, the Wisdom of our Elders, as represented by the Lords and Ladies of Life, Love and Light

The Clan Cards, the Ancestors of our Blood Line, as represented by an array of folks from the Spinner and Weaver to the King and Queen to Seer and Druid

The descriptions and the narrative are most informative and a great overview of Celtic culture.

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The Ram

The picture of the illustrated ram of the Druid Animal Oracle, that plants named for the ram and a carving of a snake with a ram’s head lay at the ram’s feet. They exemplify the importance of this animal down through the ages.

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