Posts in Tarot Card
Three Cards for January to Begin the New Year

it seemed appropriate to draw three cards to begin 2020, which by all accounts is going to be an important year for our consciousness and the well-being of the planet. The Celts believe in the magic of threes. A three-card spread traditionally invites us to look at past, present, and future. I dare say all of us spend some time over the New Year’s holiday reflecting on this theme.

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December Tarot

For a year now, I have pulled a Celtic Tarot or Oracle card and suggested its message be a focal poet for meditation or reflection as we entered the new month. The deck I chose this month is not specifically Celtic but is similar to a deck that was part of my visit to Ireland on a tour of thin places back in the 1980s. As many of you know, that trip inspired my first novel Celtic Spirit these many years later.

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October Oracle Draw

The Oracle draw for today involves two cards since the guide we are using has a different format.

The booklet is named “Using the Celtic Wisdom Oracle” and its “Ancestral Wisdom and Guidance Cards” are illustrated by Wil Kinghan and authored by Caitlin Matthews.

The Divine Ancestors Cards, the Wisdom of our Elders, as represented by the Lords and Ladies of Life, Love and Light

The Clan Cards, the Ancestors of our Blood Line, as represented by an array of folks from the Spinner and Weaver to the King and Queen to Seer and Druid

The descriptions and the narrative are most informative and a great overview of Celtic culture.

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The Ram

The picture of the illustrated ram of the Druid Animal Oracle, that plants named for the ram and a carving of a snake with a ram’s head lay at the ram’s feet. They exemplify the importance of this animal down through the ages.

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Tarot Card for July Three of Cups

To me, tarot decks are like flash cards, teaching me aspects of mythology and folklore that I had not been exposed to in my education or family background. I love pulling cards just to learn a tidbit about another place or another figure. I feel the power of story strongly in a well-presented deck of cards. I invite you to try one of the many decks that are available not just stories from Celtic mythology but from other lands as well.

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Tarot Card for June The World Tree

No, dear reader, this is not a test of your memory. Last month at this time, you did read that I had pulled the World Tree as our tarot card for May. Here it is again; but, pulled from a different deck and at a different time. The coincidence is stunning, especially when we had seen it before in February.

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The World Tree -Our Tarot Card for May

Regular readers know that I choose a tarot or oracle deck at the beginning of each month and pull one card that becomes our focus or meditation for the month.  Astute readers will also know that we just had the World Tree as our symbol for February. I could have chosen a second card, but I believe there is a reason a card comes up. Perhaps, we need to interpret the card differently. Perhaps there is a new message or a message for someone in our community. Perhaps, the state of the world right now begs for us to remember that we are all One, that we are connected to the Universe and that the steady oak survives.

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April Fools' Day

All readers will receive a free trip to Ireland just for reading this line.

April Fools!

I wish I could gift you all a trip, but I do hope reading this blog connects you to Celtic lands vicariously and promotes new travel experiences as well. We are wrapping up the Snapshots: Travels in Ireland project that will offer Cork, Kerry, Clare/Limerick and Galway/Aran Islands on Kindle as well as Amazon in the next two weeks. Please at least browse them when the announcement comes out.

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