Discovery has to do with seeing the value beyond the first impression. This funny-looking, mud-wallowing, seemingly dumb animal is nothing of the sort. The Celts got that. This card reminds us to do so as well.
Read MoreAnyone who has ever meditated or taken Yoga knows the importance of the breath, of deepening and slowing our breathing to quiet mind, body, and spirit.
Read MoreI recently realized I was overwhelmed by the number of books, articles, blogs, links, even snippets from social media that I put in a “must-get-to” file which I never get to. That doesn’t even mention the two webinars that I paid for and still haven’t sat down to watch.
Read MoreThe Celts celebrate the Sun throughout the year as it moves through the sky and creates the seasons. And today we continue to celebrate the joy of long hours of light and lots of sunshine in summer. Luthnasa, the Celtic holiday of the first Harvest, is at the beginning of August.
Read MoreI chose Jane Burn’s sweet little Celtic Oracle Portal to the Sacred Trees for this month’s bonus card. This is not a traditional tarot. It consists of a carefully selected and beautifully described set of trees which were sacred to the Celts. Each tree held and still holds special meaning and significance. Jane offers a healing ritual and a meditation after each tree’s place in Celtic lore is described.
Read MoreFor the August tarot card, I drew The King of Wands from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson. The illustration above is by Courtney Davis. In all tarot decks, wands/staves or clubs represent fire and spirit. The king is the highest court card in each suit.
Read MoreI came across a post card of these six famous Irish writers many years ago and held on to for years. During my sorting and rearranging Covid period, I found it and had it framed for my wall of Irish inspirational mementos. While I have a long list of favorite Irish writers, I refer to this as The Mount Rushmore.
Read MoreParades and flags are part of summer. I thought it might be fun to visit the flags of the Celtic nations. Some are well-known; others may surprise you.
Read MoreSomeday, I would like to explore why so many countries have their independence day celebrations in early July. For today though I would like to feature Tynwald Day, The Isle of Man celebration.
Read MoreI was thinking about the upcoming July 4 holiday here in the US, when I pulled this card. Once, again, a serendipity comes through in the cards. The EAGLE is our oracle card for July. It is the national symbol for the USA, and holds a significant place in the cultures of many other nations.
Read MoreSummer Solstice is a major Celtic holiday. It is also celebrated throughout Europe by many names. Those of us who take an interest in Celtic tradition know the major images: Stonehenge at sunrise, bonfires the night before, general merriment.
Read MoreI found myself in the middle of Bloomsday quite by accident; and what a lovely accident it was. I had an extra day in Dublin, was staying at Trinity College summer lodgings and came across a number of folks, young and old alike, dressed in Edwardian costumes. As I walked down Grafton Street, I realized that this was a city-wide celebration of some sort, not just collegiate and people were having a great time pub crawling literary row in their summer finery.
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