Oracle Card for July

I'm always pleased when the first of a month is also the first Monday so that the oracle card we share begins on the very first of the month.

The card is aventurine and is called the “Celestial Traveler” by James McKeon and Roberta Carothers, authors of Aora Gemstone Oracle - Cards to Explore the Crystal Realms, a Sacred Journey to Self-empower. The above illustration is by Noreen Levi and James McKeon.

 I'm also doing something different this month by drawing from a crystal deck. As often happens, yet amazing, serendipity of the cards. Look at how Celtic it feels.


The card is aventurine and is called the “Celestial Traveler” by James McKeon and Roberta Carothers, authors of Aora Gemstone Oracle - Cards to Explore the Crystal Realms, a Sacred Journey to Self-empower. The illustration is by Noreen Levi and James McKeon.

As you can see, aventurine is a soft green crystal that connects to the heart yet also invites exploration into an expanded universe—one of promise and hope.

Celts and Neolithic cultures used this stone in rituals. It was meant to connect one not only to one's own heart but also to attract love, open one to magic, and connect one to the Fairy Kingdom. 

Meditate upon this stone or carry it in your pocket to feel the strength, balance, and groundedness of love while inviting in new possibilities and new adventures, real or imagined.

Happy summer.