Posts tagged moon
Oracle Card Owl

Since ancient times, the owl has been a sacred animal and spirit guide in many traditions. I was first aware of Owl as an amulet and symbol from the Greek legends, notably the owl who accompanied Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Native American, Norse, and Egyptian legends join our Celtic ancestors in honoring Owl for her wisdom.

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A Ritual of Connecting to the the Land

Today, we continue the experiment of my sharing audio excerpts from Celtic Spirit. The tour leader, Dorrie, offers short prayers or rituals at each of the thin places or sacred sites the group visits. These are her words as the group gathers at the top of the hill at the Cliffs of Moher:

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The Fires of Beltane

I had never seen a bonfire built so elaborately. The huge mound of were for wooden doors, one in each direction, each with a beautifully painted animal representing that direction. While the fire was awesome, as soon as the painted creatures caught flame, there was a gasp from the crowd and a tear came to my eye- a tear not of sadness but of appreciation, appreciation for the seasons of our lives.

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Following the waxing and waning of the moon and knowing how it influences our lives has been coined “moonology”. It is believed that setting an intention at the new moon and releasing all blocks and resistance at the full moon can help create one’s desires and that being in flow with the moon brings ease and joy to our lives. Of course, there is a lot more to moonology, but those are the basics.

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